Join us to honour The Year of the Wood Dragon

In the Chinese Zodiac cycle, this is the Year of the Wood Dragon. It begins on February 10th, 2024, and concludes on January 28th, 2025.

At Wishes, we are taking this opportunity to awaken our Dragon Magick, to bring inner peace, self-empowerment and greater abundance. We will be working with the four elements, fire, water, air and earth culminating in the fifth element, spirit. Using this energy and special crystals we will embrace the wonderful power available to us, traverse the realms and awaken new possibilities.

Join us for a truly magickal experience:

  • Workshop: 11am to 1pm £25
  • Gong bath: 2.30 to 3.30pm £15
  • Both sessions: £35

This is superb timing after the celebration of Imbolc on February 1st, a time of renewal and new beginnings. It’s also a way to celebrate our reopening after our Winter break.

To book please email: to show your interest, and we’ll confirm asap.

Learn more about the Year of the Wood Dragon

The Year of the Wood Dragon is a significant period marked by the convergence of elemental and astrological forces believed to influence human affairs. In Chinese culture, dragons are revered symbols of power, strength, and good fortune, while the Wood element represents growth, flexibility, and renewal. When combined, the Wood Dragon year is thought to embody characteristics such as vitality, innovation, and resilience.

Astrologically, each year is associated with one of the twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac, as well as one of the five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water), forming a sixty-year cycle. The last Wood Dragon year took place in 1964, and its return in 2024 is anticipated with both excitement and anticipation.

In Chinese astrology, the dragon is considered the most auspicious and powerful sign, embodying traits of leadership, ambition, and adventure. The Wood element adds a layer of adaptability and creativity to these qualities, suggesting a year ripe for growth, progress, and exploration.

Throughout history, years of the Dragon have often been associated with significant shifts and events globally. With the Wood element infusing its energy into 2024, there’s a sense of harmony between ambition and growth, tradition and innovation. This harmony is believed to inspire individuals to pursue their goals with vigour while remaining adaptable to changing circumstances.

In terms of personal attributes, those born in the Year of the Wood Dragon are said to possess a rare combination of charisma, intelligence, and resilience. They are often seen as natural leaders who excel in both creative endeavours and strategic planning.

The Year of the Wood Dragon 2024 represents a time of opportunity, progress, and transformation. It is a year characterized by the powerful and auspicious qualities of the dragon, enhanced by the growth-oriented energy of the Wood element, promising both individual and collective growth on various levels.

Contact Wishes

If you have any questions or would like to arrange a visit, please contact us through any of the methods below or use the enquiry form to the right.

01392 241 444



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