Agate: Eagle

Agate: Eagle


Harmonising Yin and Yang, Agate is a very grounding and balancing crystal that forms very slowly, building solid foundations over many layers. They bring you strength, courage and a deep sense of Earth Healing. Agates are very protective, much like a mother bear, and bring a great sense of unity, community and safety within its comfort and support. These crystals are deeply nurturing for the body and soul. Druzy is a quartz cluster formation that has been naturally polished through the presence of water, they amplify the energy of the Agate and bring balance and light with a splash of elemental sparkle. Carved by hand, these animal totems will help you connect into the power of the animal kingdom, in this case, we are working with the proud Eagle, symbolising loyalty, forsight, strength, wisdom and courage. The Native Americans believe that the Eagle has a powerful connection to visions and journeying, delivering prayers to The Great Spirit. The Egyptians link Eagles to Ra and Nekhbet, the Eagle Goddess, whose wings are a powerful protective symbol.