Chakra: Rough Chakra set

Chakra: Rough Chakra set

By using all of these extra large galets, you can re-balance and align your chakras one by one or as a full body healing.

Root – Carnelian
Master healing crystal and is a form of Agate. Carnelian heals the physical body whilst helping to ground and protect you, although it is better used for vitality and energising the physical body.

Sacral – Peach Moon Stone
Peach Moonstone is calming and uplifting. Working with divine change and seasonal shifts, this form of moonstone promotes self love and harmony between the sun and moon.

Solar Plexus – Pyrite and Magnetite
Revered for its healing properties. Harmonise the sun and the earth with this grounding and protective mineral that promotes self expression and ignites energy.

Heart – Green Aventurine
A compressed quartz is a stone of good luck, good luck, good health and good fortune. This uplifting crystal is gentle and calming with a perfect heart energy that offers healing and joy.

Throat – Chrysocolla
A sylica mineral with a high copper content. This soft and gentle crystal promotes communication, particularly with the elemental realms. It is gentle soothing and nurturing.

Third Eye – Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli, often with Quartz or Granite and Pyrite is very magical. Revered throughout Ancient Egypt. Lapis is known for initiation, aiding migraines, developing magical connection and insight.

Crown – Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is an abundant crystal and a master healer. It amplifies the energies of the other crystals it is working with and clear your thoughts, promoting mindfulness and wellbeing.