Rose Quartz: 4D Merkaba

Rose Quartz: 4D Merkaba


Mer – light, Ka – Spirit, Ba – Body. Derived from Sanskrit and Sacred Geometry, these are medatitative tools that are used to transport or connect the spirit and body to higher realms of meditation and act as a source of enlightenment. A 4D merkaba works with a higher vibration, breaking down veils and accessing realms of Joy. Hand carved from Rose Quartz which is a beautiful crystal of uncondintional love and peace, Rose Quartz has a great connection to Archangel Chamuel. Works with self love and self worth through forgiveness and acceptance and can help with fertility. A stone of sensitivity, Rose Quartz aids us in restoring trust and harmony. From the Quartz family, this is a powerful crystal of healing, love and compassion and is a great companion for the heart and happiness.